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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Collioure, France, July 1999

In the south of France, just a few miles from the Spanish border; the region around the old fishing village of Collioure is considered by Calatonians to be part of their nation. In the hills behind the town lies the vineyard owned by former Premier Ministre du Québec, Jacques Parizeau.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Kennebunkport, Maine, August 2010

Sunset off Ocean Avenue.

Just a few minutes before this shot was taken, a large powerboat had passed, transporting former President Bush the half-mile from his compound to the Kennebunkport marina.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Gare D'Orsay, Paris, August 1983

All boarded up and in disrepair. It was accessed by prying open a slot in the fencing surrounding the building.

Gare D'Orsay, Paris 1983

Two years earlier the empty station had been used to film a key scene in Jean-Jacques Beineix's film Diva. It had previously served as a set for Orson Welles' adaptation of Franz Kafka's The Trial.

Built for the World's Fair of 1900, the same year a little-known 18-year-old painter arrived in Paris from Barcelona. In fact it was in the bustling new train station that Pablo Picasso disembarked on October 1st. Earlier that summer the city's first Metro line had gone into service, behind schedule and over budget.

At its peak the station received over 200 trains a day, but its short platforms and the increasing electrification of trains doomed it to obsolescence by the 1930s.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Canal Street, New York City, August 2010

Statues of Liberty, Canal Street, New York

Liberty, brought to you by Pepsi from Canal Street in NYC, August 2010.

Meet the new dawn....

...same as the old dawn.

Exactly why anyone would care enough to read this journal and view the images I post here, is a question best left unexamined. So I won't.

Images I post here are, I hope, interesting in and of themselves, but especially so in that they serve as starting points to insights or various foods for thought.

Here's hoping it doesn't leave you slack-jawed from life-draining boredom...